Common Peanut-Containing Foods

Living with a peanut allergy is easier than ever. Restaurants, schools, and people in general are much more aware of food allergies and ready to handle them. Strict laws for labeling packaged foods in the United States are also helpful.  

For most families, the danger comes in foods that are made by friends, at restaurants, and in other countries, where you are not able to look at food labels. In these settings, looking at other foods will also help assess the risk of cross contamination.

Peanut Allergy Foods To Avoid:

Here is a list of foods that often contain peanuts:

  • Baked goods. Cookies, pastries, pies and other baked goods are often made with peanuts
  • Candy (Reese’s) including nougat and marzipan
  • Ice cream, frozen desserts, puddings, and hot chocolate are often peanut flavored
  • Cereals and granola may have peanut 
  • Trail mix
  • Chili and soups. Peanuts or peanut butter are sometimes used as thickeners.
  • Energy bars
  • Indian foods
  • Thai food
  • Chinese food
  • African foods
  • Veggie burgers or other meat replacements
  • Sauces. These may include barbeque sauce, hot sauce, pesto, gravy, mole sauce, glazes, or marinades.
  • French fries and other friend foods cooked in peanut oil (maybe)
  • And more

Can You Eat Peanut Oil with a Peanut Allergy?

Highly refined, 100% pure peanut oil should not have peanut protein in it, which means it can be safe for people with a peanut allergy. But if you have a very sensitive peanut allergy, peanut oil may not be safe because it is possible for it to have trace amounts of peanut or peanut protein.  

Cold pressed or extruded peanut oil, however, still has peanut in it, and labels will list “peanut” as an ingredient. 

Every person has a different level of comfort with foods that may have “cross contamination” or  trace amounts of peanut. Each person with a peanut allergy must find their own comfort level with the risk of a peanut exposure, based on their past sensitivity and the food’s labeling.